
Without a doubt, one of my favourite forms of art is anime which has a MAhahahaAIIIIIVVVEEEE impact in the eastern part of the world.

The main obvious points in anime (or the thing that is most noticable) is the eyes that the artists produce. They’re usually big and exceedingly outlined compared to the rest of the drawings, this is because the main way to create emotions within these characters are through the eyes.

Anyway, enough history. Here is some of the drawings that I have done.

Here is a drawing that I did about a year ago in 2010, I got asked to draw one of my friends as an anime but I kinda forgot ^__^ and ended up with this random girl hahaha.

I have got three versions of this drawing; pencil, outlined, and finerly coloured. I dont tend to colour my drawings but this time I took an exception.

Step 2!

Here’s the picture drawn out using Adobe Photoshop. After this you can see alot more of the detail within her eyes and her hair which I like alot.

Step 3!

Here is the drawing in colour. I really like the teal/ blue that I’ve used on her hair because it makes every other part of the drawing stand out and makes the eyes seem bigger which makes the girl in the drawing look a lill cuter ^__^

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